Category: advertising


Animation and CGI as parts of our digital future

As a packaging agency, we naturally move with the times and evolve alongside the digital future. For this reason, our clients already appreciate our expertise in the field of animation and CGI.
For this project the Schauma and Fa team tasked us with developing an advertising campaign for the social media space. The aim of the campaign under the main theme „UEFA EURO 2020“ was to activate customers for a competition. Schauma and Fa have launched matching products on the market, which represent the players of the national team. The aim is to increase sales through an accompanying lucky draw. If a customer purchases four products of the series, they can win a national team gym bag for free.


Our work

When designing the animation, we were inspired by the DFB’s world of colours and incorporated the rules of the overarching corporate design.
Our only restrictions were to adhere to the font „DFB Sans“ and to the proportions of the different colours. Likewise, the bottles of the respective players had to be represented.
Despite the constraints, we managed to give the video a pleasant flow and a dynamic look that will catch the eye of the target group and hopefully meets our client’s expectations..
One of the tasks was to adapt the video frequency to different asset formats, which have now been placed on the popular German internet site „“. Furthermore, the assets were published on the Facebook and Instagram pages of
This advertising campaign is based on the previous campaign we developed last year. However, due to the Corona crisis the European Football Championship is only taking place this year. In the previous campaign, football clubs that suffered from the pandemic’s repurcussions were supported through the purchase of the products.
DFB activation campaign on the web

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„Content design means brand building beyond packaging design“

In 2020 the Henkel Schwarzkopf team asked us to create video content designs for two of their social media campaigns and we were happy to assist the brands with design work that goes beyond packaging design.

The brief
  • Catch attention on the Schwarzkopf social media channels
  • Motivate viewer to participate on social projects
  • Create short but interesting videos & additional content material

Schauma “Family Action“ campaign by Schwarzkopf

The idea behind this campaign was to generate possible family projects during the first corona lockdown in 2020. With kids being homeschooled and having no possibilities to meet with friends, this Schauma campaign provided a welcome, creative and fun alternation.
Families should be motivated to craft something creative out of old shampoo bottles. The best ideas could win a Schauma package for the whole family. We are at least as happy as the winners about this initiative and that we were able to support this family-friendly and sustainable project. #upcycling

Our work

The aim of the campaign is a super family-friendly, funny and happy look and feel. It is intended to speak to both parents and their children. Therefore, we shot an authentic video ourselves in which one of our designers is doing handicrafts with her son at home. In combination with short and incisive calls to action and happy background music, we have created an appealing and emotional video.

In addition, we used one of the crafting ideas from the Schauma team as further inspiration and created a simple, easy-to-understand, yet entertaining crafting manual for an Instagram carousel post.

Schwarzkopf & Henkel‘s charity campaign with DFB

The second video content was created to promote Schwarzkopf & Henkel‘s DFB collectors edition campaign via the social media channels. In 2020, even the European soccer championship was cancelled, due to the pandemic. Nevertheless, the Schauma, Taft and Fa teams decided to launch their planned collectors packaging design edition of the national team anyways. To support amateur clubs, who where also hit by the crisis, Henkel brought a fundraising campaign to life. With every sold product from the collectors‘ edition, 10 cents were donated.

Our work

Accordingly, the design of the social media content follows the design rules of the packaging design. We have created a suitable call-to-action video that shows the products and explains the fundraising campaign, but also has an emotional twist with pictures of soccer playing kids.

Learn more about Schwarzkopf & Henkel‘s soccer charity project

See more packaging designs made by baries design

Innovationen als Motor der Zukunft.
Von Joana-Maria Bauchwitz.

Ein wachsendes grünes Gewissen der Kunden macht sich im Innovationsdruck auf die
Kosmetik-Hersteller bemerkbar. Viele Beauty-Marken haben verstanden, dass man ohne eine nachhaltige Ideologie in Verpackung und Inhaltsstoffen auf dem Zukunftsmarkt nicht bestehen wird.

Draufsicht von Amber Valletta Makeup Produkten auf einem rosa Hintergrund.

Amber Valletta Makeup Produkt Auswahl für Douglas

Ein Produkt muss komplett durchdacht sein, welches sich natürlich auch in der Gestaltung der Verpackung wiederfinden muss. Die Verpackung ist der emotionale Träger und Repräsentant der Produktideologie. Der Konsument findet sich in der Message des Produktes wieder und wird nach dem FMOT nachhaltig durch Sekundärinformationen und Haptik überzeugt. Schlagwörter wie „biologisch abbaubar“, „PCR“ (Post Consumer Recycled), „natürliche Inhaltsstoffe“, „Frei von“ oder Zertifikate von angesehenen Instituten unterstreichen den implementierten ökologischen Gedanken.
Der Konsument versteht, was gut für die Umwelt ist, ist auch gut für mich.

Recycling und Nachhaltigkeit.

Topshot dreier Verpackungen der Neuen Schwarzkopf Kolorationsmarke Only Love

Design und Verpackung einer neuen Colorationsmarke für Schwarzkopf.

Recycling spielt nach wie vor eine zentrale Rolle. Nachhaltige Innovationen im Bereich Material und Abfüllung kommunizieren einen bewussten Umgang mit der Umwelt und bieten Entdeckerpotenzial für den Explorer. Gerade das Material betreffende Innovationen in Nachhaltigkeit, Optik und Haptik in Zusammenspiel mit funktionalen und effizienten Anwendungslösungen überzeugen den Kunden vom Mehrwert des Kosmetikproduktes.
Anwendungszeit, Praktikabilität und Erlebnisfaktor sind immanent wichtig und machen den Unterschied aus. Ein Produkt muss halten was es verspricht und nachweisbare Ergebnisse liefern. Die Herausforderung an Beauty R&D Abteilungen wird weiter steigen, was schon an dem stetigen Budgetwachstum der letzten Jahre zu sehen ist.

Speed to market.
Daraus resultierende Produktinnovationen und Trends werden allerdings erst wertvoll, durch eine schnelle Marktplatzierung.

Junge digitale Beauty-Unternehmen haben dies verstanden. Mit Kleinauflagen und kanalübergreifendem Marketing wachsen sie mitunter dreimal so schnell wie etablierte Branchengrößen und dienen als weitere Innovationstreiber. Der Konsument wird durch natürliche, ressourcenschonende und energieliefernde Produkte überzeugt und die Hersteller verkaufen authentische Produkte.

Erschienen am 28.04.2019 in der Creativ Verpacken.